
The only way to end youth homelessness in Southern Nevada is together. #bethemovement

Make Your Commitment Today to #bethemovement


With the youth homelessness crisis in Southern Nevada continuing to grow, we need your commitment today to #bethemovement to end youth homelessness in Southern Nevada.

Youth homelessness is one of our community’s most pressing issues. And yet, this issue hasn’t gotten nearly the attention it deserves in terms of awareness, funding, or focus. Together, we can change that.

We need you! Youth homelessness affects all of us – our families, our friends, our co-workers, our community. This is why we need everyone to sign this pledge to collectively take a stand and commit to ending youth homelessness together. By signing our #bethemovement Commitment Pledge, you can show the Southern Nevada community and our homeless young people that you care.

Throughout 2018, we will gather as many digital commitments as possible to our #bethemovement Commitment Pledge. We will then announce the number of individuals who have signed onto our Pledge at the 2018 Southern Nevada Youth Homelessness Summit in November. As we work toward solutions, the commitments we’ve gathered here will help us prove to policymakers, funders, and other community leaders that ending youth homelessness is a priority for our community.

Please show your commitment to #bethemovement to ending youth homelessness in Southern Nevada by signing our Commitment Pledge today.

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Now that you’ve made your commitment, share our “I Committed” graphic on your social media! Be sure to tell your friends, family, and co-workers – you could be the reason they also decide to #bethemovement to end youth homelessness in Southern Nevada.


Share your commitment now via Twitter:

Tweet: I am making a commitment to join @Nvhomelessyouth in their community-wide efforts to combat the issue of youth homelessness in our community. I will #bethemovement to end youth homelessness in Southern Nevada! #bethemovement

For more ways you can help build the Movement, visit our Connect page to view our monthly social media graphics, participate in our large-scale social media Thunderclap, and sign up for our mailing list.