Since 2001, NPHY’s best practice programs have helped thousands of homeless youth graduate from high school, enroll in college, embark on careers, find their passions, build supportive social networks, transition to safe and stable housing, and realize brighter futures.

How Do We Do This?
Our Three Strategic Priorities & Six Areas of Impact
Meeting Urgent Needs
- Emergency Intervention and Assistance
Building Pathways to
2. Housing Solutions
3. Education and Employment Assistance
4. Health and Wellness Services
Leading the Movement
to End Youth
(Systems-Level Advocacy)
5. Youth Leadership Development
6. Systems-Level Advocacy
Emergency Intervention and Assistance
Our multi-pronged emergency intervention efforts meet young people where they are by addressing their immediate survival needs and building trusted relationships to get them off the streets for good.
- Youth Outreach – NPHY’s youth outreach team connects with youth directly on the streets or in unstable housing situations, providing them with basic needs items, while building rapport to assist youth in accessing our transformative services.
- Safe Place – The first of its kind in Clark County, the NPHY Safe Place program offers mobile crisis intervention and an entry point to our comprehensive services around-the-clock at virtually every street corner in Southern Nevada.
- Drop-In Center – The NPHY DIC offers youth facing housing insecurity a respite from the streets and basic needs resources, case management, connections to our other programs, and more.
- Emergency Shelter – NPHY’s Emergency Shelters provide a safe place to sleep, food, hygiene supplies, and clothing.
Housing Solutions
NPHY works with each youth to determine if family reunification is a secure and viable option, either with the youth’s most recent caregiver or another safe, supportive relative. When not possible, we offer housing solutions that include transitional housing programs and rapid re-housing.
- Operation Go Home – If family reunification is safe and possible, NPHY covers the costs of bus or plane fare for a youth to move in with a supportive adult relative anywhere in North America.
- Independent Living Program – Through our ILP, youth live in one of our confidentially-located apartments while receiving intensive case management and wraparound support, helping them build a foundation for self-sufficiency and long-term success.
- Rapid Re-Housing – NPHY’s Rapid Re-Housing program offers youth rental assistance to live in apartments throughout Clark County. Youth also benefit from supportive services that help them maintain permanent housing.
Education and Employment Assistance
Completing educational goals and obtaining stable employment is the primary way we ensure youth stay off the streets, achieving stability and their life goals.
- Education Support – NPHY offers a range of educational support to ensure youth can participate and succeed in school, like clothing and school supplies, computer access, tuition and textbook assistance, and tutoring.
- Employment Support – We offer guidance with job searches, interviews, resume development, and more.
- Transportation Assistance – The ability to travel to and from school, a workplace, our facilities, and other locations is essential for client success. NPHY offers transportation assistance and bus passes.
- Identification Documents – NPHY offers assistance in obtaining driver’s licenses, state ID’s, birth certificates, and social security cards to help youth achieve their goals.
- Basic and Life Skills Training – Our skills training includes classes on daily living, financial literacy, and more.
Health and Wellness Services
NPHY helps youth move beyond challenging circumstances to craft the futures they want by supporting and promoting their physical, social, and emotional well-being.
- Case Management – All youth who enter our programs receive dedicated case management services to identify and build on their strengths and help them plan for the future and set goals.
- Engage Me – The NPHY Engage Me program hosts a wide range of engagement activities to help young people find their passions, inspire creativity, and develop team-building skills and confidence.
- Therapy Services – NPHY offers therapy with licensed clinicians to promote youths’ social and emotional well-being.
- Healthcare Services – We work with vital partners to provide young people experiencing homelessness with critical physical health services on-site at the NPHY Drop-In Center.
Youth Leadership Development
Investing in youth has a quantifiable and exponential impact on creating healthy communities. When we affect youth, we impact society.
NPHY’s multiple youth leadership development projects empower, educate, and inspire homeless youth to advocate for themselves and their peers, develop self-sufficiency skills, grow their self-esteem, and positively contribute to the local community.
- NPHY Ambassadors – NPHY offers this innovative leadership program to assist youth in developing skills in public speaking, advocacy, and community-building.
- NPHY Youth Council – Occurring monthly, the NPHY Youth Council is a forum for young people enrolled in NPHY housing programs to provide feedback and shape activities.
- Systems-Level Advocacy Leadership – NPHY facilitates a variety of opportunities for young people to participate in and lead systems-level advocacy efforts, including testifying to lawmakers and speaking at advocacy trainings and conferences.
Systems-Level Advocacy
Youth homelessness represents the nexus of social issues – poverty, housing, race, gender and sexual identity. NPHY works to address the intersection and impact of youth homelessness on vulnerable young people to find solutions for lasting change. Our efforts and accomplishments include:
- Launching The Movement to End Youth Homelessness in Nevada, a focused, sustained, community-wide effort to attack youth homelessness from all angles.
- Hosting the annual Southern Nevada Youth Homelessness Summit since 2017 with Sands Cares, UNLV Greenspun College of Urban Affairs, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
- Leading the comprehensive community-wide process to create the first Southern Nevada Plan to End Youth Homelessness in 2018.
- Conceiving of, advocating for, and successfully championing state legislation to break down barriers for youth to obtain vital documents and critical healthcare services.
- Creating The Movement Institute, a series of community advocacy trainings.
Christina’s Story
At the age of 9, Christina* lost her mother. At 17, she lost her father. With nowhere to turn, she lived in her family’s house alone, scraping together money from odd jobs to pay the mortgage and bills until she was unable to make ends meet. Couch-surfing soon turned into sleeping on the streets.
After two months sleeping under a bridge each night, Christina went to a Terrible Herbst gas station, NPHY’s Safe Place partner, for help. Within thirty minutes, an NPHY Crisis Responder arrived and took her to the NPHY Drop-In Center, where she received food, hygiene supplies and clothing. Christina then stayed in NPHY’s Emergency Shelter, before transitioning into NPHY’s comprehensive Independent Living Program.
Over the next several months, NPHY provided Christina with more than a roof over her head. She received educational and vocational assistance, weekly life skills classes, counseling and the daily support of her case manager, who helped her to apply to the Job Corps vocational training program. Christina was able to move to San Diego where she now works in her chosen field of underwater welding.